Sieve classification with focus on fine sieving operations
Since 1995 we are your reliable partner for all topics around sieve classification with focus on fine sieving operations.
With our know-how from decades of activity in the manufacturing industry, we contribute to the optimization of your process engineering processes. We find a solution for every problem.
Owner: Ing. Martin Walcher
Freßnitz 4,
A - 9811 Lendorf
Tel: 0043 664 201 3118
Fax: 0043 463 265526 9170
Mon - Sa 8.00 to 18.00
Sonntag geschlossen
st screening technologies GmbH
Freßnitz 4, A – 9811 Lendorf
Tel: +43 4762 37727
Fax: +43 4762 37727-7
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